Music: Alikiba - Maumivu Per Day |Download Mp3

Thank You for the birthday wishes... I am completely blessed, favored and loved and I am eternally grateful. I love you all and will always work hard to make you all proud of me. I would like to thank God for another tremendous year and of his love and protection. Maumivu Per Day is an unofficial release of one of the most loved previous songs. I decided to unofficially release it today to celebrate my special day with my fans. I hope you enjoy it. I love you from the bottom of my heart and God Bless you all. King!

Bongo flava is the nickname for Tanzanian hip hop music. The genre developed in the 1990s, mainly as a derivative of American hip hop, with additional influences from reggae, R&B, afrobeat, dancehall, and traditional Tanzanian styles such as taarab and dansi, a combination that forms a unique style of music. Lyrics are usually in Swahili or English.

The name "bongo flava" is a corruption of "bongo flavour", where "bongo" is the plural form of the Swahili word ubongo, meaning "brain", and is a common nickname used to refer to Dar es Salaam, the city where the genre originated. In the bongo flava, the metaphor of "brains" may additionally refer to the cunning and street smarts of the mselah

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